> 文章列表 > 你们春节会干些什么英文






  • 1. 举行丰盛的饭局:春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,人们会召集亲朋好友,共进丰盛的年夜饭。根据统计数据,每年春节期间中国餐馆的营业额都会飙升。
  • 2. 领取压岁钱:压岁钱是春节期间长辈给晚辈的一种传统礼金,在中国家庭中非常流行。根据最新的调查,儿童每年春节可以收到的压岁钱金额平均约为1000元。
  • 3. 拜访亲友:春节是家庭团聚的时刻,人们会互相拜访亲友,表达对彼此的祝福和问候。据统计,中国大约有60%的人在春节期间会拜访至少3个亲友。
  • 4. 旅游出游:春节是中国人民的长假,很多人会利用这个时间出行旅游。数据显示,每年春节期间中国国内旅游人数都会创下新的纪录。
  • 5. 玩电脑游戏:在春节期间,不少人也会选择在家里玩电脑游戏来娱乐。根据数据显示,中国春节期间的网络游戏消费额通常较平日会有较大增长。





  • 1. I often visit relatives during the Spring Festival.(我经常在春节期间拜访亲友。)
  • 2. What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?(你们过年的时候都做些什么?)


Dear teacher,
I am very happy because today is the Spring Festival. When I woke up at 7:00, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I went to the kitchen with my parents to prepare for the big feast. We cooked dumplings, fish, and other delicious dishes. After that, we cleaned the house and put up red decorations for good luck. In the evening, we sat together and enjoyed the delicious food.
During the Spring Festival, I will also visit my relatives and friends to send them my best wishes for the new year. We will exchange gifts and have a great time together. I am looking forward to the coming days of celebration and happiness.
Best wishes,
[Your Name]




During the Spring Festival, people usually gather with their families to have a sumptuous dinner on New Year\'s Eve. They also give red envelopes as lucky money to children and visit relatives to convey their greetings to each other. Additionally, they enjoy watching the Spring Festival Gala and lighting fireworks to celebrate the festival. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and joyful festivities.


During the Spring Festival, I did several things:

  • 1. Let off the fireworks: It is a traditional activity during the Spring Festival, and it brings joy and excitement to everyone.
  • 2. Wear new clothes: Wearing new clothes on the Spring Festival represents a fresh start and brings good luck.
  • 3. Eat dumplings: Dumplings are a must-have dish during the Spring Festival. They symbolize wealth and reunion.
  • 4. Watch the Spring Festival Gala: The Spring Festival Gala is a popular TV show that showcases various performances and brings festive cheer to the audience.
  • 5. Spend time with family: The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, so I enjoyed quality time with my loved ones, sharing laughter and creating beautiful memories.


The Spring Festival is a significant festival for my family. We prepare delicious food, such as dumplings, fish, and various traditional dishes. We gather together for a festive dinner and exchange blessings and good wishes for the new year. We also give red envelopes to the younger members of the family as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Throughout the festival, we engage in various activities like watching the Spring Festival Gala, playing games, and visiting relatives and friends. The atmosphere is always joyful and filled with love and happiness.


When asking a friend what they do during the Spring Festival, you can use the following sentences:

  • 1. What do people usually do during the Spring Festival? (人们在春节期间通常做些什么呢?)
  • 2. How do you celebrate the Spring Festival? (你是如何庆祝春节的呢?)
  • 3. Could you share some activities you engage in during the Spring Festival? (你能分享一些你在春节期间参与的活动吗?)


The Spring Festival is a time for celebration and joy. During this festive period, I usually participate in the following activities:

  • 1. Family Reunion Dinner: Sitting around a table filled with delicious dishes and sharing laughter and stories with my family members brings me great joy.
  • 2. Fireworks Display: Watching the colorful fireworks light up the night sky is a mesmerizing experience that adds excitement to the celebration.
  • 3. Lion Dance Performance: The traditional lion dance, with its vibrant costumes and energetic movements, always fascinates and entertains me.
  • 4. Giving and Receiving Red Envelopes: As a tradition, I give and receive red envelopes filled with lucky money, spreading good wishes and blessings.
  • 5. Making Lanterns: Crafting colorful lanterns and hanging them up in the streets or at home creates a festive atmosphere and adds beauty to the celebration.

The Spring Festival is a time of love, happiness, and blessings. It is a special occasion where traditions and customs bring people together to create lasting memories.